The A-Z Guide to What Really 3D LED Display is

3D LED Display

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In today’s world, you cannot pass a street in any city without seeing an LED screen. It is flashing at every main building and main square. The latest innovation in this field is the 3D LED display. This innovation has transformed the display industry almost to the core. It has not become mainstream technology yet. But given some time, I can guarantee it will become more impactful than the standard LEDs.
The use of LED screens for promoting and advertising is not new. But the 3D LED display has taken it to the next level. It offers three-dimensional visual effects. After listening to so much hype about it, you must be wondering what it is. So let me explain it to you.
The 3D LED is the screen that presents the viewers with three-dimensional content. It is like going to a 3D cinema for a 3D movie. The difference is that you don’t need to wear some 3D glasses here. You can enjoy it with your naked eye. Such LED display has multi-view technology installed in it. So, you can watch the 3D content from wherever you want.
No doubt, it has made its mark in the market through the 3D visual effect. It has become a novel approach for advertisements. More and more companies are anticipating this as the future screen development.
Here, I have arranged a list of the top 10 mind-blowing 3D LED displays.
  • The spectacular Piccadilly 3D Light screen in Central London
  • The 3D LED display for Eskymall in Taiwan.
  • Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 3D branding on LED screen.
  • Jiazhaoye Plaza 3D LED display.
  • Taikoo Li Chengdu 3D screen in China.
  • Curved corner media facade for Suzhou Commercial Plaza. 
  • Giant cat’s 3D LED billboard in Tokyo.
  • Coca-Cola’s 3D billboard in Time Square NYC.
  • The Lion leaped to Jianghan Road 3D LED display in Wuhan.
  • 3D LED display in shopping malls.

Types of the 3D LED display:

Now, let’s move on to the different varieties of 3D LED displays. Different types of such displays are available in the market. Some of them are:
  • Grating type
  • Holographic projection type 
  • Cylindrical lens type
  • Time-sharing multiplexing type 
  • Volume type

Types of technologies used in 3D LED display:

A 3D LED display uses one of the two types of technologies. The main difference between them is how they control the direction of light.
The parallax Barrier is one of them. It uses linear strips distributed between white and black. They control the direction in which the light will travel. The other technology is the Lenticular lens. It uses light refraction and focus of the lenticular lens to control the direction.

How does a 3D LED display work?

A question must arise in your mind. How does the 3D LED display actually show the 3D content? Without going into many scientific theories, I will explain them to you.
We have a 3D spatial sense developed inside us when we are born. When we see an object, our eyes catch two different tiny images. It is due to the small distance between our eyeballs. After this, our brain screens this and calculates the spatial coordinates. The final result is the image of the object with a three-dimensional effect.
The 3D LED display works on the same principle. With the help of particular tools, it creates two different images for our eyes. They produce a visual illusion and recognize the 2D image as a 3D image.
Now, I will move to the next question that arises in your mind.
A 3D LED display needs three main things to produce the 2D picture and create the 3D effect.

Curved or Flexible LED Screen:

You will often see a 3D LED billboard display with two faces. It is because this technology employs curved or flexible LED screens. Such screens help adjust the angle of view. This adaptation is essential for creating the 3D visual effect.

Reference Object:

To make the 2D image create a 3D effect, it needs to use the reference object well. This technology uses the object’s distance, size, shadow, and perspective relationship. It helps to produce a 3D effect.

3D Creative Video Content:

In my view, the 3D video content is the most critical factor for the 3D LED display. How can you run a 3D LED without this content? Impossible.

Difference between the traditional LEDs and the 3D LED display:

The main difference between the 3D and conventional LEDs is the image’s dimensions. The traditional LEDs produce 2D content. At the same time, the 3D displays construct a 3D visual effect.
The conventional LED displays use flat surfaced screens. But, the 3D technology uses flexible or curved LED screens. These screens are essential for building a 3D visual effect.
In 2D LEDs, the light emission is in two dimensions only. But the 3D LEDs are microwire ones. So they emit light in three dimensions. These are the fundamental differences between the traditional and the 3D LED displays.

Advantages of the 3D LED display:

It is easy to see the advantage of using the 3D LED display. This technology leaves the viewers mesmerized by the quality of the picture. When your product looks realistic, it gains more importance in the viewer’s mind. People will search about your product. They will spend more time exploring your brand.
The number of brands using this technology is increasing with every passing day. It has become a novel approach in the advertisement sector. It has not become mainstream yet. But the expertise of this technology in building brands is creating an impact. The future looks pretty bright for it, in my view.

Limitations of the 3D LED display:

Undoubtedly, 3D innovation has become a symbol of excellence in the LED industry. And with its wide-ranging applications, it is booming. It has created hype on outdoor LED media. But there are some limitations of the 3D LED display. Let’s have a look at them:

The 3D content is expensive:

It is not easy to create the 3D video content as it requires some expertise. Moreover, it can cost several hundred dollars per second for such creative content. Everyone cannot afford this much to advertise their product.

Low demand:

As discussed earlier, 3D technology has not become the mainstream thing yet. And this technology is still expensive for small brands to adopt. Thus, there is not a high demand for it.

High cost of production:

By the display’s look, one can say that it is expensive. The 3D LED display has a high cost of production. Small brands can’t use it. The 3D video content, flexible LEDs, and other requirements needed much price.

Each screen needs unique 3D content:

The 3D video content depends on various factors to run on every screen. It includes screen shape, size, and viewing angles, among other factors. The problem lies that these factors are hard to achieve for every screen. Thus, each 3D LED screen requires unique content. This is again cost-inefficient.

Tips for building a stunning 3D LED screen:

Building a stunning 3D huge outdoor LED display can be challenging and complex. There are many factors to consider. For instance, the size and resolution of the screen, the quality of the LEDs, and the software used. Here we will cover some key points when building 3D outdoor LED displays.

Choose suitable LEDs:

The LEDs’ quality in the 3D LED screen will directly affect the display image quality. You should choose high-quality LEDs with high brightness, color accuracy, and uniformity. It is to ensure the best possible display quality.

Focus on resolution:

The resolution of the 3D LED screen will determine the level of detail to show. For a 3D creative LED screen, it is essential to have a high resolution. This way, we can ensure that the 3D display images appear clear and detailed. It is also vital to consider the size of the entire display screen.

Consider viewing angle:

The viewing angle of the LED screen is critical to consider. It guarantees that everyone in the audience can see the images. A wide viewing angle is essential for a 3D LED screen to ensure the 3D images are visible from all angles.

Use the right software:

The software that controls the LED screen will determine the types of 3D images that can show. So, choosing software that supports a wide range of 3D image formats and can handle large files is better.

Choose the proper hardware:

The hardware to control the 3D LED screen is also essential. We suggest you use a powerful graphics card. It can ensure the 3D images show smoothly and without lag. Also, choose hardware that can handle the size and resolution of the LED screen.

Opt for a high refresh rate screen:

A high refresh rate means the display screen can update the images more frequently. It can result in smoother motion and reduce the possibility of motion blur.

We measure the refresh rate in Hertz (Hz). It refers to the number of times the screen can update the image per second. For example, an LED display with a refresh rate of 3,840Hz can update the image 3,840 times per second. While an LED screen with a refresh rate of 1,920Hz can only update the image 1,920 times per second.

A higher refresh rate is significant for 3D outdoor display screens. Why? Because it requires rendering two separate images for each frame. They are for left and right eyes. It means the LED screen needs to update the image twice as frequently as a traditional LED screen. So that it can maintain the same level of smoothness.

To achieve a high refresh rate, we use high-quality components. For instance, a powerful graphics card and high-speed LED drivers.

Ultra light outdoor cabinets:

We need to consider cabinet weight, especially for 3D huge outdoor display screens. Heavy cabinets can be difficult to install, transport, and maintain. Ultra-light cabinets with aluminum or carbon fiber materials can make installation much easier. Lightweight cabinets can also reduce the load-bearing requirements on the mounting structure. So it allows for more flexible installation options.

Less power consumption:

LED display screens can consume a significant amount of power. So, energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important. It is also due to rising energy costs and environmental concerns. And it is better to choose LED display screens with low power consumption. Advances in LED technology have led to the development of energy-efficient LED modules. They consume less power without sacrificing brightness or image quality.

Test and adjust:

Once you set up the entire display screen, please test it and make any necessary adjustments. So that the 3D images appear as vivid as possible. It may involve adjusting the brightness, contrast, and color settings. It can also include making any necessary software or hardware changes.

Bottom Line

The 3D LED display has some limitations. It is true. But this technology has far-reaching benefits. It is setting a new trend in the advertisement approach of the brands. Due to its appealing effect, it is becoming more and more common. Companies are shifting from traditional LED screens to more modern and realistic ones. I can guarantee that, given some time, this will become a prime LED display.
Sunny Wong
Sunny Wong

Hello. I am Sunny Wong, the author of this post.

I entered the LED screen industry in 2008 and have always been in this field.

The purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to LED screens from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

If you want to distribute or explore your local LED screen market, please ask me any questions.

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