A Simple Guide to COB LED Display

COB LED Display

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New technologies are entering the display industry. Traditional LED displays have become common now. The customers now want stunning visuals that comes with vibrant colors. The displays should have color uniformity and clarity. And above all, the display should be energy-efficient.

All these features are present in the COB LED display. It is a new innovation in the display industry. This display is improving our viewing experience. In this article, we will discuss about the COB LED display. Let us start by understanding what it really is.

What is a COB LED Display?

COB stands for Chip-on-Board. In this display, the light-emitting diodes are present closely together. The LED chips form the circuit board. It is different from other types of LED technologies.

The LED chips work together to create the whole image. This closely packed design is responsible for many features. The color uniformity and brightness is due to this design. It also makes COB displays more energy-efficient. When these chips work, you can see incredible visuals. You have an astonishing viewing experience thanks to this. COB LED is a revolutionary innovation in the display world.

Which is Better: SMD or COB LED Display?

SMD and COB are two distinct LED technologies. There is a difference in the designs of these technologies. In SMD, the display has individual LED components. They are present on the PCB. While in the COB, tiny LEDs are closely attached. They give the appearance of single light source. Each LED technology comes with its own advantages and disadvantages.

COB LED Display:

High performance:

The design of the COB LED display is best-suited for indoor use. They are ahead of other technologies in several features. It includes brightness, compactness, and color uniformity. You can use these displays for indoor purposes. They display visuals with high intensity.

Color vibrancy:

These screens display vibrant colors. You have a completely different viewing experience with these screens. They make the visuals more realistic. This feature makes them the perfect choice for indoor video wall application.


The brightness levels of these displays are on a next level. You can show content with high intensity. Even in well-lit environment, they show perfect visuals.

SMD LED Display:

Color accuracy:

The color uniformity of SMD LED displays is also excellent. They can glow your world with amazing visuals. They are also a good choice for indoor applications. These include:

  • Broadcasting studios
  • Trade shows
  • Indoor retail displays


Brightness is an important parameter that defines a display. SMD displays have excellent brightness levels, ranging from 600 nits to 1,500 nits for an indoor LED video wall.


You will also get versatility with SMD LED displays. You can use SMD displays for a wide range of applications. You can show any type of content on these displays. They can handle any indoor task perfectly.

COB LED Display

Advantages and Disadvantages of COB LED Display:

Every electronic gadget has advantages as well as some disadvantages. It is also similar to COB LED displays. While they are rich with pros, they also have some cons.

Advantages of COB LED Displays:


We have briefly discussed the design of COB LED displays. They have a number of tiny LED chips. These chips are present closely together on a single substrate. As a result, they have a compact design. First of all, it gives them a modern, sleek look. And then it is responsible for some fantastic features such as:

  • Higher pixel density
  • Sharpness
  • More detailed visuals

Easy cleaning and maintenance:

The compactness of these displays results in easy cleaning. It is pretty simple. Dust particles don’t find enough space to gather. There are few tiny crevices. As a result, you can easily clean these displays. And furthermore, it ensures smooth functioning of displays.


COB LED displays come with strong protective gears. You can install these screens in high-traffic areas without any worry. Minor accidental contact doesn’t affect their performance. They can withstand such environmental hazards.

Extremely low pixel failure rate:

You don’t face any pixel failure with these displays. They have an extremely low pixel failure rate. Thus, you don’t need to repair your displays regularly. As a result, the lifespan is longer. And the maintenance costs become low.

Vibrant colors:

If you want impressive visuals, you should get the COB LED display. They have excellent features of color vibrancy and color uniformity. It is critical for certain applications. If you are advertising your products, you want to attract attention. For this to happen, your content should be mesmerizing. This is possible with COB LED displays.

High brightness levels:

COB LED displays come with exceptional brightness. Other technologies cannot compete with COB in this matter. The multiple chips produce intense light. Even in well-lit environment, the visibility of content is excellent.

Increased contrast and clarity:

Higher contrast ratios results in higher clarity. And as a result, the image quality is superior. You get an amazing viewing experience.

Energy efficient:

Yes, the brightness levels of COB LED displays are higher. This doesn’t mean that they consume more energy. On the other hand, it is the exact opposite. COB displays need less energy to work. This makes them cost-effective. And also, the COB displays will leave less impact on the environment.

Durability and longer lifespan:

COB LED displays are reliable and durable. They can withstand significant environmental hazards. Their performance doesn’t decrease over a period of time. As a result, they have a longer lifespan.

Wide viewing angle:

Imagine a scenario where some people are not getting good viewing experience. This can happen with traditional displays. People standing at a far distance can have this problem. People viewing from a certain angle, cannot see the content. However, this is not a problem with COB LED displays. They offer wide viewing angle. It can reach to 160°. The viewing experience remains the same from various angles.

Seamless design:

The COB LED displays offer a seamless design. There are few bezels between the modules. It means that the screen as a whole unit is strong. It will require less maintenance. Moreover, the viewing experience will be unique. The visuals will be immersive and cohesive.

COB LED Display

Disadvantages of COB LED Display:

Limited outdoor suitability:

COB LED displays do have protective gears. However, their design is suitable for indoor applications. On the outside, the impact on the environment is greater. There are moisture, temperature fluctuations, and other exposures. COB displays cannot withstand such an impact. Thus, they are not suitable for outdoor use. There are specific outdoor LED displays available.

Higher manufacturing costs:

The COB displays have amazing features. These features cost more. Such displays are also difficult to manufacture. The integration of tiny chips is an advance process.

Maintenance challenges:

Overall maintenance of COB displays is easy. But if there is failure of individual chip, it is difficult to repair. Such maintenance process is complex.

Potential heat generation:

Heat generation is another problem for COB displays. Such screens can display content at high brightness levels. But it results in more heat production. You will need to have more cooling measures. You should install more heat sinks or fans. Otherwise, there will be an impact on the performance. The lifespan will decrease.

Customization complexity:

You can get any shape or size with SMD LED displays. However, it can be more expensive to achieve with COB LED displays. The manufacturing process becomes very advanced. There are additional things to consider. In short, it is more challenging and costly to get custom shapes with COB LED displays.

Applications of COB LED Display Technology:

COB LED technology offer endless applications. It has the amazing feature of being versatile. In this section, we will discuss some applications of COB LED displays.

Broadcasting studios:

High image quality:

Broadcasting studios work on high image quality. The visuals need to be perfect for the rating. The talk shows need dynamic visuals. The news show needs to show different graphics. COB LED displays can meet these demands. They have outstanding image quality and color uniformity. It ensures that the audience enjoys vibrant visuals.

Real-time graphics:

You can show any type of content on COB LED displays. Whether it is an image, video, animation, or real-time graphics, you can show them. You can show content during live streaming. It allows you to keep the viewers updated.

Seamless backgrounds:

You can run any type of backgrounds on these displays. It simplifies the production of content. You don’t need to place physical backgrounds. Different changeable and dynamic backgrounds are possible.

Corporate boardrooms:

Enhanced presentations:

You can display high-quality presentations. The color uniformity and clarity of COB LED displays is excellent. These displays can show graphs, charts, and multimedia presentations. They present vivid and true-to-life colors. It will create a lasting impression on the viewers.


COB LED displays do come in various sizes. Thus, you can install them in various setups. You can install them as large video wall. You can also use them as smaller conference table display.

Professional aesthetics:

These displays have become a must-thing for the boardrooms. They are professional tools for such environments. They have a slim and sleek design. This design minimizes bezels. They offer a professional modern look.

Control rooms:

Data visualization:

Different industries need control rooms for functioning. In control rooms, there is real-time visualization of data. There is constant monitoring of data going on. Information should be up-to-the-minute. COB LED displays are good choice for this application. They display critical updated information. It results in timely decision-making.


Continuous operation is necessary in control rooms. Thus, the displays should be strong enough to run continuously. COB LED displays are ideal for this function. They are durable and reliable. They can run for long hours without having any effect on their performance.

Multiple data sources:

You can run multiple data sources on a single COB LED display. It allows you to monitor various systems. It helps in the monitoring process and increases the efficiency.

COB LED Display

Future of COB LED Display:

The future of COB technology is bright. The introduction of flip-chip COB in industry is very near. This flip-chip COB will be the latest cutting-edge technology. In traditional COB displays, the chips are directly present on the substrate. It is different in the flip-chip COB displays. As the name indicates, this technology flips the chips. It bonds the chips face-down on the substrate.

This innovation will make the displays much more impressive. They will have the following qualities:

  • More energy-efficiency
  • Increased thermal management
  • Improved electrical performance
  • Greater miniaturization
  • Thinner displays
  • Increased brightness
  • More color accuracy

Flip-chip technology will transform the display industry. It will bring more versatile displays. There will be endless possibilities and applications.

COB LED Display


COB LED displays are amazing displays. They come with endless features and applications. And they have a great future ahead. They have transformed our viewing experience. In this article, we have also compared the SMD and COB LED displays. Each technology has its benefits and disadvantages.

If you are looking for COB LED displays, feel free to contact Dreamway LED manufacturer.

Sunny Wong
Sunny Wong

Hello. I am Sunny Wong, the author of this post.

I entered the LED screen industry in 2008 and have always been in this field.

The purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to LED screens from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

If you want to distribute or explore your local LED screen market, please ask me any questions.

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