How to Calculate the LED Display Power Consumption?

LED Display Power Consumption

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There are many factors to consider while buying an LED display. Power consumption is an essential factor in this selection. It will impact the final value of the display.

In this post, we will discuss in detail the power consumption of the display screen. How can we measure it? Are there any energy-saving LED displays? But before this, there are some parameters that you should know.

Power consumption parameters of an LED display:

There are three types of power consumption parameters:

  • Maximum power consumption
  • Black-level power consumption
  • Standby power consumption

We can measure only these parameters.

Maximum power consumption:

To understand this parameter, we should know the working of the display screen. How does the display screen create the visuals? Let me explain this in simple terms. First, we provide the input source to the display screen. Then, it produces the image or visuals from this input source. It does so by illuminating the pixels or diodes.

Now the visuals or images can be of varying brightness or colors. As a result, the display lightens the diodes to different intensities. Let me better describe this phenomenon with an example.

For example, we want to show a full black screen. The display will switch off all the diodes to show this screen. On the contrary, we want to present a full white screen. The LED display will power all the diodes to the total capacity.

Now you will understand the definition of maximum power consumption. It is the power consumption when the display fully lightens all the diodes. We can measure it when the LED display is working at full power. It means that the screen is showing a full white image at full brightness for a specific time.

In this way, we get this parameter of an LED display.

LED Display Power Consumption

Black level power consumption:

It is the power required by the electronics of the LED display themselves. For example, we are not showing any content on the screen. But, still, the electric components of the display are running. The drivers and the receiving cards will need energy. Thus, it is the power required by the screen without showing any content.

Standby power consumption:

Sometimes, there are some intervals between content. For example, we may need to stop displaying content for some time. During this period, we keep the screen on standby mode. It is also known as power saving mode.

In this mode, we are not showing any content on the screen. But some components of the screen are still running. The same electronics as in black level power consumption still need energy. Thus, standby power consumption is present during this standby mode.

It is less than the black-level power consumption. It is because it is in power-saving mode. So, the display parts consume less power.

We have understood the three power consumption parameters. Now, we will see how to calculate it.

LED Display Power Consumption

How to calculate the power consumption?

In this section, we will learn to calculate the average power consumption. There are typically two methods.

Method 1:

This method is straightforward. But there is the possibility of error in it. In this method, you need to know the maximum power consumption. Divide this parameter by three. Then, you will get the average power consumption of the display screen.

For example, the maximum power consumption of a display screen is 900 W per square meter. Divide this value by three.

= 900 W / 3

= 300 W

The average power consumption of this display screen is 300 W.

You can see that this method is straightforward enough. And anyone can determine the power consumption using this method. But there are some deviations and risks for errors. It does not include the other two parameters of power consumption. It does not take into account the following;

  • Black-level power consumption
  • Standby power consumption

LED Display Power Consumption

Method 2:

This method is complex, but it gives more accurate results. It is because it takes into account all three power consumption parameters. And this method uses a formula to determine the average power consumption. This formula is as follows:

[(Max power consumption-Black level power consumption)x70%x33%]+Black level power consumption

This formula gives us the average power consumption of an LED display. There are two values to understand in this formula. 70% represents the standard display configuration at 70% screen maximum brightness. 33% means that the content will consume 33% of the power.

This formula will seem complicated to you. But after going through some examples, it will be easier for you. Moreover, it gives a value closer to the actual one. Using both methods, let us take a sample and determine the average power consumption.

For instance, we have an outdoor LED display screen. Its maximum power consumption is 100 W. And its black level power consumption is 30 W.

Using the 1st method, we can determine the average power consumption as follows:

= 100 W / 3

= 33 W

It is the conventional way of calculation in the LED display industry.

Now, we will figure out the average power consumption by using the formula of 2nd method. It is as follows:

Max power consumption = 100 W
Black level power consumption = 30 W

Using the formula, we have:

[(Max power consumption-Black level power consumption)x70%x33%]+Black level power consumption

[(100W-30W)x70%x33%]+30W = 46.2W

This method assumes that the screen will use 33% power to display content. But the actual value may vary depending on the type of content you show. For example, the power will be higher when the screen shows contents in full white. Whereas when there is almost black content, it is less than 33%.

Moreover, some other factors affect power consumption. For example, high brightness will need more power. Low brightness will require less energy. The temperature and power efficiency have a negative correlation. If the temperature is high, the power efficiency is low. After the calculation, you can know how much you will pay for your LED display.

LED Display Power Consumption

Factors affecting the power consumption of an LED display:

Attenuation characteristics:

When the screen works for a particular time, the brightness level decreases. It causes problems with the display. Due to this, there can be inconsistencies in the color formation. The LED brightness attenuation is the light intensity of the LED lower than the original one. This brightness drop will cause brightness attenuation of red, green, and blue LEDs.

Application power requirements:

Over the last few years, the LED display industry has progressed. As a result, the power-handling abilities of LEDs have improved. For example, the single-chip white LED can handle power in watts. A few years back, it could manage only a few milliwatts.

The same is the case with light output efficiency. It has moved from 10 lumens/watt to over 100 lumens/watt. There is progress in LED lighting. It can be anywhere from 1 watts to hundreds of watts. You should also know that the size, shape, features, and functions will differ.

Mode of operation:

There is a constant current driver (CC) or constant voltage solution. For constant voltage type, it is rare now in the market. It is because it is more power consumed.

Time scheduling:

We can control the power consumption of a screen with the help of software. We can also tune the brightness settings. We can adjust it according to the need of the time. For instance, the LED screen operates at the average brightness during the daytime. At night, we can lower the brightness via the software. In this way, we can get the best visual experience.

Light sensors:

These light sensors can measure the brightness level in the surroundings. Thus, it enables the display screen to adjust its brightness accordingly. For example, the sensors will observe the surrounding darkness if it is nighttime. As a result, the display screen will lower its brightness and vice versa.

Using these light sensors, the users can set the brightness threshold. Moreover, they can adjust the behavior curves. Thus, it facilitates in better visual experience.

LED Display Power Consumption

Can an energy-saving LED screen save electricity costs for you?

In today’s world, we need everything to save money. So naturally, we prefer devices that consume less power. In other words, energy-saving devices are ideal. The same is the case with LED displays.

Everyone prefers energy-saving display screens. It is a rising trend in the display industry. The manufacturers have been working on this trend. They have introduced many such displays in the market. These displays have more importance for fixed installations and rental use. But at the same time, there is a rising question in this industry. Do these displays save electricity costs? If yes, how much money can we save using these screens?

The answer to the first question is a big ‘Yes.’ The energy-saving displays do save energy. And they can save a bunch of our money at the end of the day. The main thing in these displays is the low voltage consumption. It can be as low as 2.8 volts. Thus, it saves about 50% of the energy.

LED Display Power Consumption

Let’s get a general guess about how much these displays can save. Of course, the electricity rates are different everywhere. But an energy-saving LED display can save much a year. Here we would give an example of an 18 m2 screen in the condition of playing ads:

  • Regular type: 6 KW
  • Energy-saving type: 3 KW

For example, the electricity rate is $0.1 per KW. Suppose the screen operates 16 hours per day and 365 days in total. We can get their electric bill as follows:

  • Regular type: 16 h x 6 KW x 365 days x $0.1 = $3,504
  • Energy-saving type: 16 h x 3 KW x 365 days x $0.1 = $1,752


Power consumption is a crucial element of the LED display industry. Above, we have discussed the various power consumption parameters. But how can we measure these parameters? What are the factors that affect power consumption? And how can we calculate the average power consumption?

In the end, we have seen whether energy-saving displays are good. Can they save energy and money for us? If yes, how much can they save money? After reading this post, you will know how beneficial energy-saving displays are.

Dreamway has been in the LED screen field for more than a decade. We can offer you any solution to meet your requirement. Contact us now to get your project solution!

Sunny Wong
Sunny Wong

Hello. I am Sunny Wong, the author of this post.

I entered the LED screen industry in 2008 and have always been in this field.

The purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to LED screens from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

If you want to distribute or explore your local LED screen market, please ask me any questions.

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