What is Small Pixel Pitch LED Display and its Advantages?

Small Pixel Pitch LED Display

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The small pitch LED display has resolved the issue of image quality. These displays taken the image quality to the next level. In addition, they have shortened the viewing distance. As a result, there is a high demand for these display screens.

You must be wondering what these small pixel-pitch display screens are. Well, you don’t have to worry about anything. In this post, we debate the small pitch LED displays.

What are small pixel pitch LED displays?

These are narrow or fine pixel pitch LED displays. The display screens with pixel pitch lower than 2 mm fall in this category. These include:

  • P2
  • P1.86
  • P1.667
  • P1.538
  • P1.25
  • P0.9

In the future, we may see display screens with pixel pitches lower than these. Small pitch LED display features higher resolution per unit area. Due to these, it can show high-definition graphic images and videos.

Generally, these display screens can achieve pixel-to-pixel showing. It means all the resolutions on the control PC can correspond to that on the LED display screen. So, the display effect would be with higher sharpness.

Small pitch LED screens are entirely seamless. We can enjoy natural and accurate colors on them. Furthermore, they have enhanced our visual experience.

Small Pixel Pitch LED Display

Now, let us understand the term pixel pitch.

What is the pixel pitch of an LED display?

It is the center distance between the two adjacent pixels of the LED displays. We also call this the dot pitch. We measure it in millimeters and represent pixel pitch by P.

Resolution refers to the density of the pixels on the display screen. The smaller the pixel pitch, the higher the resolution. The smaller the dot diameter, the smaller the pixel pitch.

How can you measure the pixel pitch of an LED display?

A pixel in an LED display tends to represent an LED lamp. We further divide the pixel into three sub-pixels. Each subpixel is indicative of an individual LED. Each LED consists of 3 RGB components.

We already know about the concept of pixel pitch. It is the distance between two adjacent pixels on display screens. If you want to check what type or what pixel pitch an LED screen is, there are some methods as below:

  • You can check the back of the LED module. Generally, there is a mark indicating the pixel pitch of the screen.
  • You can measure the two adjacent LED lamps with a caliper.
  • Take an LED module and count the pixel quantity in length and height. And you will also need to measure the LED module length and height. For instance, you have a module at hand. You don’t know what its pixel pitch is. First, measure its length and height. Then count the pixel quantity. Let’s say the length is 320 mm, and the height is 160 mm. The pixel quantity in length is 256 dots, and the height is 128. Now you can calculate the pixel pitch as P1.25. It is via the formula: Pixel pitch = LED module length / LED module pixel quantity in length.

Small Pixel Pitch LED Display

What is a good pixel pitch?

You must be wondering how we can know the best pixel pitch is?

We need to consider viewing distance on an excellent pixel pitch. You can view the screen accurately when there is no gap between pixels. It can also be good when the visuals are clear. For example, consider the person going too close to the screen. Now they can see the tiny pixels, including the gaps. This condition is now considered not to have a good viewing experience.

Nowadays, viewing distance is of significant value. It attracts a lot of attention and importance. It is because it not only suggests the image quality, it also refers to other aspects. Other aspects include project planning and expenses needed to complete the project. For example, you have a viewing distance of 10 ft. Then, P1 would be the best.

Small Pixel Pitch LED Display

How can pixel pitch affect the display of LED screens?

You must be thinking about whether a smaller pixel pitch performed better. Pixel pitch is a technical term. Let me tell you, a pixel is nothing but an individual LED. It tends to tell us about the distance between two adjacent LEDs. We measure it in millimeters. It also indicates the minimum viewing distance.

Generally, we compare it with pixel pitch for an optimal viewing distance value. The optimal viewing distance should be three times that of the pixel pitch in meters. For example, for P2, the optimal viewing distance would be 6 meters. The pixel pitch performs a role in determining the visual performance of the LEDs.

It has an impact on viewing distance. Thus, it is of great importance because it helps to optimize the viewing distance.

All you need is to remember the importance of high precision pixel pitches. An image can achieve finer details with such type. It is the reason behind using smaller pixel pitches in LED screens. It proves to be the best choice for a good LED display. This way, the audience can stand close to the display and still have a clear picture. There is no distraction due to individual pixels. Thus, they can enjoy a better viewing experience from a short distance.

Thus, it must be clear what would be the best choice for an LED display. For determining the best viewing distance, always choose a small pitch.

How can you choose the best small pitch LED display wall?

We will discuss how we can select the best small pitch LED screen. With advancement, we have a great demand for them.

If you are looking for the right small pitch LED, here I am to figure out this for you. Here are certain factors you need to consider while buying an LED display of small pitch:

  • Overall project budget
  • Maintenance cost
  • Setup space
  • Transmission compatibility
  • Fill factor

Overall project budget:

There are many LED lamp beads in each unit area. With the increase in number, there is usually an increased need for a circuit. It makes it a bit costly. But as the fine pitch LED display is for indoor use. They need low brightness. Thus, the power consumption of these displays is not very high. Generally, the maximum power consumption is about 500 watts per square meter. It is pretty low compared to the outdoor LED screens.

Maintenance cost:

The overall budget is not only the factor we need to consider. For small pitch LED screens, maintenance is also a big issue.

We know that these screens have small pixel pitches. We can easily damage the LED lamps around the corners while installing them. There can be bumps or knocks during this procedure. Due to these, the copper foil on PCB can fall easily.

Its maintenance cost is much higher than outdoor types. It is because repairing fine pitch LED displays is very difficult. It is challenging and burdensome. For example, it can take 1-2 hours for a specialized engineer to fix only one piece of LED module.

So, we suggest you pay attention to the LED modules during the installation. Only a small mistake can damage an LED module. And it takes much time to fix. You even need to send it back to the supplier to make it.

Setup space:

You have to consider the setup space for fine pitch LED displays seriously. You have to see what will be the viewing distance. You have to finalize first the installation space and then buy the screen. The area can be from several square meters to dozens of square meters. I would recommend 16:9 for the small-pixel pitch displays. The typical sizes can be:

  • W 3.2 x H 1.92 m
  • W 5.12 x H 2.88 m

Small Pixel Pitch LED Display

Transmission compatibility:

Transmission equipment is of great concern. If you want your display to work efficiently, you need good transmission equipment.

Here is an example of a monitoring system for security applications. It uses signal transmission in the following forms:

  • 1080P
  • 1080I
  • 720P
  • H.264
  • D1 etc.

Small pixel screens do not support all. It only supports a few. Hence, you should know there is a controller to support the formats.

So, do not consider the resolution or pixel pitch the only factor of great importance. You need to take care of other factors like transmission compatibility.

Fill factor:

LED display comprises dots. The image becomes incomplete when you get closer to the screen. There will be non-uniformity in the brightness. Sometimes, even a single dot can become ten times.

It tends to impact visibility. It will cause serious eye issues. So, for this, we have to consider the fill factor. We have to avoid problems that affect the human eye. So, according to the experts, the fill factor should be more than 50%.

Small Pixel Pitch LED Display

Advantages of small pixel pitch LED displays:

These display screens have the following advantages:

  • High resolution
  • Seamless splicing and lightweight
  • High gray level
  • High refresh rate
  • Simple structure and less space

High resolution:

This feature is one characteristic of small pitch LED displays. It has increased the visual quality. Small-pitch screens can offer high graphics, videos, and a three-dimensional experience. There can be 4K resolution or at least full HD for them.

For 4K, the resolution is 3840 x 2160. For full HD, it can be 1920 x 1080. For example, we have a 5.12 x 2.88 m size display screen. And the client says that it needs a 4K resolution. Then, we need to use P1.25. The total resolution will be 4096 x 2304 pixels.

Small Pixel Pitch LED Display

Seamless splicing and lightweight:

For the LCD video wall, there is a splicing seam after installation. But, the fine pitch LED displays have seamless splicing. Another advantage of these display screens is that they are lightweight and thin. Their thickness can be as thin as 6 cm. And it weighs less than 7 kg for a 640 x 480 mm panel. So, we can replace LCD video wall with fine pitch LED display.

High gray level:

Even when the brightness of the small pitch LED displays is low, their grayscale is perfect. As a result, the image level of the screen is high. In addition, it allows the screen to show more image details.

High refresh rate:

Small pitch LED displays have high contrast ratio and refresh rate. They also offer faster response time. A high refresh rate means that there is stable image capture. There is no flickering. The refresh rate should be at least 3,000 Hz for fine pitch LED displays. But, generally, we can make it 3,840 Hz.

We use mostly these display screens in studio or control room. It is because there are many cameras or other related equipment for shooting. Thus, these screens should have a high refresh rate. In this way, there will be no line when shooting.

Simple structure and less space:

There is no need for a complicated structure to install these display screens. You will only need a simple bracket to support the screen. And as we know that these screens are front service solutions. Thus, they don’t need much space. We can easily mount the screens on the walls.

Small Pixel Pitch LED Display

Applications of small pixel pitch LED display:

Small pitch LED displays come with many exciting benefits. We have discussed these benefits above. Due to these advantages, we have incredible applications for these display screens.

We can find fine pitch LED displays in the following fields:

  • Commercial retail
  • High-end conferences
  • Intelligent transportation
  • Creative LED solutions
  • Architecture and design
  • Rental events
  • Command centers
  • Commercial advertising
  • Broadcast and TV
Sunny Wong
Sunny Wong

Hello. I am Sunny Wong, the author of this post.

I entered the LED screen industry in 2008 and have always been in this field.

The purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to LED screens from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

If you want to distribute or explore your local LED screen market, please ask me any questions.

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