XR LED Wall – Advanced Technology in the Film Industry


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The entertainment industry has evolved very much during the last decade and so. A lot of changes and improvements have occurred. Visual effects have been pervasive for more than 20 years. These improvements in this have added a lot of entertainment to our lives.

We enjoy movies such as Star Wars and Avengers, all due to the visual effect of technology. Green screens were necessary for the production of film a few decades ago. But this technology had a lot of limitations and disadvantages.

An LED wall display now replaces it. This technology has a lot of advantages over the previous one. It has added more beauty and easiness to the film industry. Mandalorian is the most significant success of XR Virtual LED. It has amazed everyone around the world. The future is very bright for XR Virtual technology.


XR stands for “Extended Reality.” This technology is a combination of the physical world and the virtual world. It is the most advanced technology in the film industry. We can also use it in broadcasting and live events. It delivers AR (Augmented Reality) and MR (Mixed Reality) in a studio space. It includes all-natural and virtual combined environments.

XR term gets confused with other terms due to its overuse. It is a broad term that covers everything. AR, MR, and VR are further classifications of XR. All the devices using any of this technology are using XR.

XR LED Wall:

It is an LED display that uses AR, VR, and MR. These are gaining popularity day by day. The film industry has used green screens for a long time. XR virtual LED now replaces it. Although, Green screens are also in use. But their usage has decreased a lot.

XR virtual technology is not only replacing the green screen. It has also provided producers with many other advantages. Producers can skip on-location shoots. XR LED walls are usually there to make the production process easy.

It has uses in the entertainment industry. For example, XR LED walls allow you to create unique locations within a room. These locations help execute different ideas for film and TV.

Working of XR LED display:

Extended reality further consists of three sub-categories:

  • Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Virtual Reality (VR)
  • Mixed Reality (MR)

To understand the working process of XR, we first need to understand all these. The technology of XR LED walls uses XR for display. It generates visual effects. These visual effects are helpful for actors.

These help them to perform better and also help to visualize the scenes. The graphic engine produces this virtual environment. Then, it gets displayed on LED screens. This technology perfectly blends virtual and natural environments.

Augmented reality:

Augmented reality adds digital content to your actual world. Your camera captures the moments. The AR understands it. It enhances your physical world by adding animations and digital stuff.

Augmented reality continues to develop and progress after its arrival. Its use is increasing. Augmented reality is a market tool for many marketers. But it is much more than that.

Augmented reality is a system that consists of three basic things:

  • A combination of virtual and real worlds
  • Real-time interaction
  • 3D registration of real and virtual objects

Hardware components for AR are processor and display. It also includes sensors and input devices. There are two technologies used in augmented reality. It includes diffractive waveguides and refractive waveguides.

Virtual reality:

It takes you into a digital 3D virtual environment. Usually, we see things on a screen. This technology brings you into that virtual world. You start thinking that you are part of this world.

We can create a life-like environment using this technology. Everything feels real. It can be similar or can be different from the real world. It is often confused with extended reality. It is a subtype of extended reality.

A virtual reality headset generates realistic images, sounds, and sensations. It also uses a multi-projected environment to make things look real. A person using this technology can look into the virtual world. He can also enjoy virtual features as if they are real. It usually incorporates auditory and video feedback.

It can also allow another type of sensory feedback through haptic technology. Modern VR uses smartphone technology such as gyroscopes and motion sensors. We can use it for head tracking and body and hand position. The technology uses small HD screens for visuals. Production of VR images and videos has increased.

Mixed reality:

As the name indicates, it is a mixture of two technologies. It includes virtual reality and augmented reality. In this type of technology, digital and actual world elements exist side by side. Mixed reality merges the two worlds.

  • Physical world
  • Digital world

Due to its nature, we also call it hybrid technology. It often gets confused with Augmented Reality, but both are different things.

Mixed reality has its application in every aspect of life. It includes entertainment, military, and remote working. It uses different technologies to ease user interaction.

Types of XR LED Wall:

XR LED walls are available in different sizes and shapes. These are also available in customized sizes. These are customizable according to the requirements of various installations and setups. The most common types of XR LED walls are:

  • Curve LED Wall
  • Corner LED Wall
  • Ceiling LED Wall

History of XR:

The history of XR virtual LED starts in the 1800s. Charles Wheatstone brought the idea of binocular vision. It led to the concept of stereopsis. It led to the making of the first stereoscope. It took a pair of images and turned them into 3D images with illusion.

In the 1900s, Morton Heilig made the first VR machine. It is a blueprint for the modern-day Virtual XR. In the 1980s, VR goggles and gloves were available in the market for the first time. Later the headsets also became known for home use.

The early 2000s was a quiet time for XR technology. But, XR technology gained momentum after 2010. First, Sony and Samsung started creating their own VR headsets. Then, later in 2016, Microsoft produced HoloLens Headsets. These changed the whole dynamics of the XR world. Now, this technology is present in every aspect of life.

Best time to use an XR LED Wall and stage:

As discussed above, XR has many uses. Next, we will discuss the benefits of XR LED walls or stages. The XR LED wall is the heart of the XR stage. It ensures image quality in the XR stage.

It also provides a broader color range and brightness. Other components include a graphic engine, camera, server, and tracking devices. The advantages include the following:

  1. Time constraint
  2. Several different locations
  3. Dangerous & computer-generated locations
  4. Creative freedom
  5. Immersive live event
  6. Save post-production costs & time

Time constraint:

When your production has to deal with time constraints, it is the best time to use XR LED walls. It is challenging to shoot certain scenes, such as sunrise and sunset. It has a limited time. It can sometimes be challenging.

There is a vast difference between morning light and afternoon light. We can overcome these by using XR LED walls inside a room. XR LED helps you to solve problems related to time constraints. It also shortens the time to get perfect lighting. The LED wall is a virtual production. It can provide ideal lighting. It can give accurate reflections as well.

In short, it is effortless to create a scene using XR LED walls and stages. Moreover, it gives the perfect lighting in a short time.

Several different locations:

Another perfect time to use XR LED walls and stage is when you have to shoot in different locations. It helps you to save time. LED walls display virtual backgrounds. It is a real-time rendered background. We can create it using computer graphics.

You can change the virtual photo background easily with a few clicks. You can shoot in the Amazon forest in the morning and the Sahara Desert in the evening. It helps to decrease the cost of production. It saves time as well. It cuts the cost of transportation to various sites. It also eliminates the trouble created by sudden weather changes.

Dangerous and computer-generated locations:

Another good time to use an XR LED wall and stage is when a shooting occurs in dangerous locations. Some projects need to be shoot in hazardous areas such as volcanoes. It also includes mountains and deserts.

Safety precaution is necessary in this case. Moreover, safety expense increases significantly. The company needs more personnel to do the job. High insurance expenses are also involved. Custom-built sets are also an option. These sets need a lot of time to be functional. These are labor intensive as well.

Computer-generated locations can be helpful in this regard. It gives the director flexibility and the perfect look. You can display these CG locations on LED walls and LED screens.

Creative freedom:

Another best time for using XR LED walls and stage is when a team wants more freedom to achieve a better result. The advantage of using XR LED is that the creative team can use clothes of any kind. But the green and blue screen has this disadvantage.

You can not use the same color costumes as green and blue screens. When the background is computer generated, it is easy to make changes. For example, If a director thinks mountains are small in the background, you can change the height. These changes will appear on XR LED walls. It has made the shoot easier. It has also decreased the post-production work.

Immersive live event:

You can use XR LED technology when you need to broadcast a live event. We can use both real-time foreground graphics and virtual backgrounds. But, film production rarely uses AR technology.

Live broadcasting uses XR technology most of the time. For example, the live presenters might be standing on a stage with an LED backdrop during the shoot. To viewers, it looks like they are standing in a desert or on a mountain.

Save post-production cost and time:

It is the most crucial reason that XR LED replaces all the technologies. It helps to save post-production costs. It also helps to save time. “Fix it in the post” is commonly used in shooting locations involving XR LED technology.

Removing green spills is one of the major tasks when green screens are in use. XR LED virtual production helps you to end this time-taking task. Moreover, you can switch background content at any time. This feature makes the XR LED wall one of the most suitable production tools.

Benefits of XR LED in training:

XR Virtual LED can be beneficial in training programs. It can create engaging content by building an immersive experience. It can attract and engage the trainees in a better way. The knowledge learned through attractive material lasts long. The training cost can be low as on-site training is no longer needed. Moreover, a company can train employees whenever they want without any trouble.


As technology is evolving, the film industry is doing better and better. The latest technology, such as XR LED, has addressed the problems created by the Green Screen. It has made the filming process seamless. It has also fastened the process of filmmaking. You can see the results easily without waiting for months. It has made life easy for the production team. It is also easy for actors to perform now.

Moreover, it has uses in other aspects of life as well. The future is very bright for this technology. It will give a whole new shape to the entertainment industry.

Sunny Wong
Sunny Wong

Hello. I am Sunny Wong, the author of this post.

I entered the LED screen industry in 2008 and have always been in this field.

The purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to LED screens from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

If you want to distribute or explore your local LED screen market, please ask me any questions.

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