Difference Between Indoor and Outdoor LED Display Screens

Indoor and Outdoor LED Display Differences

Table of Contents

Two types of LED display screens are available, i.e., indoor LED screens and outdoor LED screens. These are present in various sizes and shapes in the market. Therefore, it depends on which type of screen best meets your requirements. Besides, businesses speak to their clients through LED displays in today’s digital world. Hence, they are an effective source of capturing the audience’s attention. 
Indoor and Outdoor LED Display Differences
Here the question arises what is it that differentiates indoor and outdoor LED screens?
Indoor LED Display Screens  Outdoor LED Display Screens 
You will see such screens at: 

  • Homes 
  • Offices 
  • Restaurants 
  • Retail outlets 
  • Educational institutions etc 
You will see such screens at: 

  • Sporting arenas 
  • Highway billboards 
  • Skyscrapers 
  • Stadiums 
  • Festivals etc 
On average, these screens range from one square meter to more than ten in size.  On average, these screens range from tens of square meters and hundreds of square meters. 
Less brightness, Higher pixel density, Lower pixel pitch Greater brightness, Lower pixel density, Higher pixel pitch 
Used for viewing from closer distances.  Used for viewing from greater distances. 
Greater resolution power  Lower resolution power 
Indoor screens have no protective gears against the weather conditions.  Outdoor screens offer resistance and durability against weather conditions. 
Hang on! There’s more to this matter. A few more essential details to consider about the differences between these screens. Although, there is no cast-iron rule in choosing the best LED display for your business. But, knowing the differences can impact your final decision. Hence, let us jump to these details:
Indoor and Outdoor LED Display Differences

How do you identify indoor and outdoor LED display screens?

Indoor and outdoor LED screens have various characteristics that help us differentiate them. They differ in brightness, resolution power, manufacturing cost, and durability against weather conditions. The size of the LED screen can tell you whether you can use it outdoor or indoors. This size difference is because outdoor LED screens have more viewers than indoor screens. Outdoor LED screens have qualities and characteristics that support their range of use. At the same time, indoor LED screens have certain features that are specific to them.

Now, let us dive deeper to understand these differences. It will help us furnish our concept of indoor and outdoor LED screens:


The most striking difference in LED display screens is their brightness power. Outdoor LED screens have more excellent brightness than indoor LED screens. When bright sunlight falls on the LED display screens, it isn’t easy to see what it shows. Thus, such outdoor screens have more brightness. This happens due to several bright LEDs packed in one pixel on such screens. Plus, these screens have superior UV and anti-reflective filters. It allows you to read or see in bright daylight. If this brightness power is not suitable, the viewing effect gets disturbed. 

Indoor LED screens need less brightness. It is because of their less exposure to bright daylight. So, the indoor LED display has less brightness than the outdoor type. The higher the brightness, the higher the luminosity level. LED display screens have the main advantage of clarity.

Furthermore, indoor LED displays are best for close viewing. Thus, they have higher pixel density and lower pixel pitch resolution. In contrast, outdoor screens are suitable for viewing from greater distances. Thus, they have less pixel density and more pixel pitch resolution.

Indoor and Outdoor LED Display Differences


The display quality of an LED display screen depends on its resolution. It’s as simple as you can get. The greater the resolution of a display screen, the greater its display quality. Indoor LED displays take the lead in this matter. They have higher resolution. It is due to the shorter distance between the viewer and the display screen. The sporting arenas and stadiums use screens with viewers at greater distances. Thus, they have less resolution. Don’t get confused that the outdoor LED screens have less picture quality. Low resolution results in a suitable image display when viewed from greater distances.
Indoor and Outdoor LED Display Differences

Manufacturing cost:

Raw materials used in manufacturing these two types of LED display screens are different. So it is evident that their manufacturing cost will vary. The factors that determine the price of a display screen are:
  • Brightness
  • Resolution
  • Pixel pitch
  • Size of screen
  • Pixel density
  • Protective gears against the climatic effect
Larger screens and better display quality can make the screen more expensive. Besides, their costs will differ since outdoor and indoor LED screens have distinct features. And various LED display manufacturers offer many prices for the same product. Thus, I recommend that you analyze which manufacturer best suits your budget.


Indoor and outdoor LED display screens also differ in installation methods. There are a variety of ways how you can install the display screens. These techniques include:
  • Wall-mounted
  • Cantilever
  • Inlaid
  • Upright
  • Standing
  • Roof
  • Mobile
  • Arc and many other installation methods.

Due to their small size, indoor LED screens are easy to assemble. Their installation is also convenient. Thus, few styles are available for their installation. Yet outdoor LED screens are difficult to install everywhere due to their larger size. Therefore, these screens have designs based on customers’ recommendations.

Durability against weather conditions:

You will see outdoor LED screens at stadiums, malls, and skyscrapers. These places offer no protection to outdoor LED display screens. They are not easy to maintain and take care of. Hence, manufacturers install protective gears to increase the resilience and durability of screens. Outdoor LED displays have water-proof, temperature resistant, dust-proof, and anti-lightning features. They have IP65 water-proof levels. At the same time, indoor LED screens have IP30 water-proof levels. Their interface and power cables have several protective layers designed explicitly. Outdoor LED display screens have fans or air conditioners to tolerate the high temperature outside. They have enhanced anti-vandal protection.
As the name indicates, indoor LED displays are under the roof. Such places or areas present no harsh weather conditions. So, indoor screens don’t need to offer resistance to the outside environment. Thus, such screens don’t have any protective features installed in them.

An addition to indoor and outdoor LED display screens:

Besides outdoor and indoor LED screens, semi-outdoor screens are present in the market. Such screens serve the purpose of information spreading indoor heads. Their brightness and resolution are between those of indoor and outdoor LED screens. You will often see such screens on the door heads of banks, shopping malls, or hospitals. Such LED displays also perform service as outdoors if not exposed to direct sunlight.

What’s best for you?

Indoor and outdoor LED display screens have different uses based on their features. But, both of them are as effective in promoting business as possible. But picking the most suitable LED display is not an easy task. For me, it bears similarities to selecting a vehicle for transportation.
A car or a pickup? Both of these will take you or your goods to the desired destination. Yet, they serve different purposes. Similarly, outdoor and indoor LED screens can display or deliver what you want. But, choosing the right LED display comes down to three main things:
  • Installed environment
  • Viewing distance from the screen
  • Manufacturer’s services.

There is no hard and fast rule. I would say go for the display screen that best suits your business.

Sunny Wong
Sunny Wong

Hello. I am Sunny Wong, the author of this post.

I entered the LED screen industry in 2008 and have always been in this field.

The purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to LED screens from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

If you want to distribute or explore your local LED screen market, please ask me any questions.

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