LED Screen Advertising Benefits and Tips to Start It

LED Screen Advertising

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Every successful business person talks about the importance of advertising. Our world has become a global village thanks to science. You need to show the world that you are running a business. How can anyone know about your product if you don’t show them? And the best option we have for advertising is the LED display. 

Advertising LED displays have become a significant element of successful businesses. In this post, we are going to discuss these advertising displays. What are their benefits, and how can you install them? Finally, how can you run your own advertising display business? 

What is advertising LED screen? 

It is electronic advertising or promotion media. You can show your images or other content-based advertisements. And it can do so with high-definition graphics. You can do this display advertising in a variety of ways. For example, it can be in the form of the following: 

  • Digital images 
  • Static adverts 
  • Websites 
  • Streamed media 

LED Screen Advertising

This type of digital advertising by using display screens has many benefits. First, it brings versatility to advertising. It can bring you full play to your creativity.

Furthermore, it offers incredible utility. Advertising or promotion is necessary for any brand or company today. It is crucial to announce your brand to the world. And you can find an LED display is an excellent way to do so. These advertising displays bring portability and flexibility. You can have the display screen in whatever size or shape you want. The manufacturer will provide the screen that best suits you. 

You can produce any multimedia advertising. These display screens offer you exciting levels of interactivity and control. This control is how you can show the content to the advertising unit. You can do so by using two methods: 

  • Cloud-based content management system (CMS) 
  • Wireless internet technology 

As said before, advertising through display screens is present across all sectors. You can use LED displays for this purpose everywhere. For example: 

  • Shopping centers and malls 
  • Restaurants and hospitality businesses 
  • Cinemas 
  • Educational Institutions 
  • Creative arts 
  • Event management 
  • Sports 

I have named a few fields in this list. At present, display screens are the best option for advertising. There are no limitations to the use of these screens. You can even personalize the content. In this way, you can target a unique audience if you want. 

LED Screen Advertising

What are the benefits of LED screen advertising? 

LED screen advertising comes with many benefits. We will talk about a few of these down below. 

Exciting displays: 

I believe an essential thing for advertising is attention-grabbing. If your medium, whatever it is, has this ability, it is best. And LED displays bring a lot of this ability to the table. These screens have exciting, bright, and vivid displays. They are ideal for attention-grabbing with these visuals. And they can attract more audiences than you think.

They are perfect for any advertising or event. It is due to the bright and dynamic images or videos. Conventional billboards lack this ability. We used such billboards only because of their large size. Due to such immense size, they could attract people’s attention. But after some time, people got used to the enormous size. It is the only ability they have for advertising.

But modern LED displays have high brightness and thrilling showing. Yet, you have to care about one thing. This attention-grabbing ability is nothing without good content. Thus, it would help if you adequately focused on creating compelling content to show.

LED Screen Advertising

Easy operation: 

One of the best features of an LED display is that you can control it from anywhere. You only need an internet connection, and you can handle it. You can change the content quickly and display what is best. In conventional billboards, you can only show static images. It is difficult to change the contents. It would take time to remove the image and adjust another.

On the other hand, the display screen has a user-friendly operational facility. You can operate it remotely from anywhere. You can change the content with a few mouse clicks or even your smartphone. You only need to upload it to the display software. It will start running the content immediately.

Complete control of your content: 

As discussed before, you can easily control the content you want to display. Moreover, you have complete control over the content expressed. Let me explain this control in simple words. For example, you have a clothing brand. You set up display screens to advertise your products. You can display your discounts on your products. 

If you use conventional billboards for advertisements, it will be challenging. First, it is difficult to have such billboards. They will prove to be more expensive than using screens for advertising. Display screens are the way forward for everyone. You can attract the passerby to your store easily.

Unique content opportunities: 

LED screens allow you to advertise your content in whatever way you want. In conventional billboards, you can only show images. Moreover, these images are only static. That’s why they are less effective for advertising. 

These display screens offer us unique and creative opportunities. You can even show specific content at specific times. Furthermore, you can shuffle the content throughout the day. For example, you are a restaurant manager. You can offer the mid-night or evening deals at specific times. Moreover, you can display specific-hour ads during rush-hour traffic. After this, you can advertise the regular menus of the restaurant. 

All in all, you can deliver different messages at different times. In this way, you can interact with unique audiences in unique ways. There are thousand exciting ways to show your content on display screens. 

LED Screen Advertising

Low maintenance and durability: 

LED displays need little maintenance. They have extended durability features. The same is the case with digital billboards. In comparison, conventional billboards have vinyl that is easily damageable. They have light fixtures that are very fragile. They need constant checks and maintenance. That’s why we will always recommend you go with the new technology. 

Higher ROI on out-of-home advertising: 

With a static billboard, there is the production of the vinyl advertisement. You need to spend your money on this production and ad space rent. But if you prefer digital billboards, there are no such production costs. You can create it on the computer and then upload it on the software. You only have to pay for ad space rent. LED screens are very beneficial for OOH advertising. They can bring you high ROI.

Types of advertising LED displays: 

We have classified advertising displays into three types. There are different modules available for each kind.

Outdoor types with back service only: 

There are two types of maintenance services for display screens. These outdoor LED screens only have back service. They include the following: 

  • P2.5 
  • P3 
  • P4 
  • P5 
  • P6 
  • P8 
  • P10 

LED Screen Advertising

Outdoor types with front and back service: 

These outdoor screens have both types of maintenance services. They include the following: 

  • P3.91
  • P4 
  • P5.33 
  • P6.67 
  • P8 
  • P10 

Indoor types with front service only: 

Nowadays, almost all indoor LED screens are with front service. The common types include the following: 

  • P1.2
  • P1.5
  • P1.86 
  • P2 
  • P2.5 
  • P3 

Installation of advertising LED displays: 

We can install advertising screens in many ways. It depends on which installation type best suits your business. How do you want to convey your message? What location fits your display of content? Where do you want to install your advertising display? So, the installation of advertising displays depends on various factors. Here we will discuss five types: 

  • Wall mounts  
  • Roof installation 
  • Pole installation 
  • Hanging installation 
  • Mobile rental installation 

Wall mounts: 

In this installation, we mount the display screens on the walls. It is suitable for both outdoor and indoor setups. We can mount advertising displays of various sizes and shapes. Moreover, we can use this installation in shops and malls. You might have also seen such screens on building walls. 

Roof installation: 

This type of installation is best for buildings. The buildings with flat rooftops and some walking space are ideal. These buildings should be low. The advertising displays take up most of the area on the rooftop. And they attract people with their bright colors and lights. 

Suppose your shop or business is in the same building; it is excellent. The display screen can show your products, offers, and discounts. They will attract pedestrians to your shop or business. 

Pole installation: 

You often would have seen poles with display screens on them. In this installation, we mount the advertising displays on the poles. These poles are present in the open space away from buildings or trees. Another feature of this installation type is that you can quickly relocate them. You can even change the direction of the displays they are facing. 

LED Screen Advertising

Hanging installation: 

In this installation, we hang the advertising displays from a suspended location. We can support the screens with the help of solid cables or wires. This installation is available for outdoor and indoor setups. 

Mobile rental installation: 

In this installation, we temporarily set up the display screens on a stage. We set up these screens on the ground where human traffic is high. It is effortless to install the screens this way. And we can relocate the screen quickly anywhere. It is a very effective way of attracting the attention of people. 

How can you start your LED display advertising business? 

Until now, we have talked about how you can use advertising displays for your business. What about the LED display advertising business? This business can also help you bring a lot of profits. 

It is challenging to set up a manufacturing business of display screens. But you can buy these displays from the market. And you can do your advertising business with these displays. But, first, there are the following things that you should take into account.

Invest in small screens: 

You can start with a small setup. In this way, you can also afford the loss if something unexpected happens. It is always a wise thing to do while starting a business. For example, you can buy one or two display screens in your city. 

After this, you can invest in off-the-shelf display screens. You can start lending them to companies for advertising. I think it is a perfect business. You can use a commercial space or store to set up the screens. There is another option for this work. You can pay someone to install the screen on the wall of their store. 

Set them up and find local customers: 

Now that you have bought a screen, you can set it up in a commercial area. Now you can let the display screen do its work. Since you have set up the screen in a local commercial area, local customers are best. You can find local business people who want to advertise their business. They will pay you to promote their business. 

You can look for restaurants or shops that want to run their ads. Then, you can display their products or offers. In this way, the people walking around will know. As a result, their business will grow. And they will pay for their advertisement. 

Start making money: 

You have started with one or two display screens. You can grow using these display screens. You can invest more and buy more screens. It is possible when you have more people wanting to advertise their business. 

The best thing about this business is that there are no major charging regulations. That’s why you can charge each customer accordingly. It depends on what type of ads they want to run. Or how many display screens do they want to run? In this way, you can have a successful business. 

LED Screen Advertising


The world is becoming more and more digital. And if you want to succeed, you should become digital yourself. After reading this post, you can understand how vital these LED display screens are.

If you are planning to invest in an LED screen, you can get in touch with us.

Sunny Wong
Sunny Wong

Hello. I am Sunny Wong, the author of this post.

I entered the LED screen industry in 2008 and have always been in this field.

The purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to LED screens from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

If you want to distribute or explore your local LED screen market, please ask me any questions.

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